Personal Life

What's Happening at Home?

March 19, 2025






























Our Most Painful Relationships is Exactly What We Needed

A number of years ago I went through a really painful relationship. 

My personal experience was years of enduring through:

- a person never recognizing any of their fault, and instead putting the blame on you 

- a person who clearly wanted to control every situation

- a person who made me feel like I was never enough

Sure, there were glimpses of joy in the relationship but overall, being in that relationship definitely always felt difficult. 

It's hard to articulate the amount of wear it had on my mental and spiritual health. But it almost felt like walking through a dark valley, every week. 

That relationship abruptly ended one day and life moved on. 

Fast forward a bit later, I found myself in another strikingly similar relationship.

The only difference now is the perspective I have.

In the first relationship, I questioned almost every day why God allowed this relationship to happen. 

In the second, I started to truly appreciate the Valley I found myself in again. Not for any masochistic self-deprecating reasons. 

But because only through these relationships, I started to better understand why the most painful relationships I've had were exactly what I needed to really understand two important things in my life:

1. the relationship I have with the God I believed in. 

2. the relationship my parents always had with my sister with a severe mental disability

And these two things changed me (for the better) in a way I never would have chosen for myself. 

Understanding my relationship with the God I believed in

My faith is in the person of Jesus Christ, who over 2000 years ago, I believe came to this world as a deity who lived a perfect life but died a heinous death to pay for every transgression He knew I would do against Him one day. 

But often the reality of His death for me on the Cross never really sinks deep into my heart and soul. Instead, my life is filled with other distractions that take precedence over my Creator.  

But ironically it's through the close relationship I have with this other person, have I begun to really understand what it means to love unconditionally. 

It's through this relationship, have I begun to really feel the weight of having to endure through being misunderstood while trying to love someone.  

But every time I questioned why God allows this to happen, I started to see how I do the same to God. 

The reality I believe in is God never stopped loving us from the beginning. He knew we would fall and sin, He chose to send His son to die a cruel death for us, and He desires for us to continue to be in relationship with Him so we would understand a little more the magnitude of His love for us.

And yet instead of running to God in our difficulties, we often choose to run to distractions instead to find solace for our troubles. 

Understanding the relationship my parents always had with my sister with a severe mental disability

Being in a very difficult relationship reminded me of something my Dad said well of my sister with a severe disability. She will live a life where she won't ever understand what my parents or family had to endure to care for her.

And yet my parents chose to love and care for her in a way most people probably would not have chosen to. 

Why I needed these painful relationships

I recognize every circumstance and every person's story is different. But for me, these painful relationships were what I needed because it helped me to see I was never just the victim. I was also the very perpetrator I felt victim to.

Often, it's hard to really understand how our sin hurts a God who loves us so much, unless love also hurts us. 

But through enduring this pain, it's helped me to have a deeper understanding of what love really is.

Love is doing what's best for the other person, often at a cost of being misunderstood.

And while I will continue to fail and can only do my best each day to love, I believe God has me exactly where I am because that's also exactly what I needed to become the person God wanted me to be. 

Whew, it's over!

January 26, 2025

Our wedding finally is over us but it was really a beautiful memory. Can't wait for the photos and videos to come out!

I'm really grateful for my wife. We've been through a lot in these last two years. 

It was really a rollercoaster ride. A lot of ups, downs, twists, & turns. There never was a dull week, because it was just filled with a lot of opportunities for me to grow in my patience, love, and care as a husband.

I think I've grown a lot this year as a person as a result of marriage. In many ways, I've seen how God changes me from the inside out through hard and also mundane things. 

It's also been amazing to see how God has answered so many prayers - bringing new friends into my life as old ones move on with theirs. 

It reminds me that everything has its own season. So to be grateful for the short time we have with anybody that comes into our lives. For every meeting, every moment spent together, and just for every morning being able to wake up to know that God is directing every one of our steps.